Agenda for SLAA Online Business Meeting - February 4th, 2025 at 12 noon US Eastern Time in #slaa2


Serenity prayer


*Our Code of Ethics: 

To keep each of our meetings safe and productive, we:

Communicate our views honestly and respectfully on issues raised, especially controversial ones. We do not raise our voices, stoop to sarcasm, cuss, or try to bully others into our way of thinking.

Are tolerant when we differ. We share our meeting time fairly so that each of us has an equal opportunity to comment.

Are willing to put our egos aside when our opinions do not win favor with others. We are able to let go, trust our group conscience, and strive for the “unity and harmony that our Fellowship requires for the successful accomplishment of its primary purpose. Our service structure exists to support us” (per concept 6, from our draft ‘Framework for Living’) and works for the greater good.

Encourage one another by doing our part to maintain a safe and supportive atmosphere.

These points have proved to be our blueprint for success. We ask your cooperation in continuing these traditions as we work together in the coming months. Thank you for contributing your time and talents. Your Twelfth Step work is deeply appreciated!

(*used with permission from the Conference Literature Committee) (04/05/22)


Rules of Order:

Robert's Rules of Order are to be used in biz Meetings (3/11/99). Also: Please note how Robert’s rules of order are to be used: “In the interest of tackling all of the items on this agenda and allowing everyone the opportunity to speak on the extremely important topics, suggest the following format in this meeting: Each topic under New Business will begin with a motion being made: That motion will then either be seconded or set aside. Upon the motion being seconded, discussion will begin. During discussion, only friendly amendments will be accepted to the motion. An amendment will be considered a friendly amendment if the original provider of the motion concurs with the amendment. Everyone will be allowed one share on each motion presented. Each share will be limited to 3 minutes in length. The end of discussion will be the point at which a vote is taken. A vote was taken on following this format and the Motion passed. (2/15/07)





- open for contributions through to the end of February 2025 

SLAA Online Group Conscience has approved to have a Group Inventory process annually, inspired by questions from the Greater New York SLAA Intergroup’s format: as follows:

For a period of one month during Feb-Apr each year, members will be invited to contribute to a Group Inventory by email to the Office. During this one month period, details will be posted on the Announcements webpage and a link notice placed in the #slaa Entrymsg and announcements made at regular meetings.

Members will be invited to submit answers to the following:

1) One thing they like about the group and/or meeting.

2) One thing they would like to see changed about the group and/or meeting.

3) One thing they plan to contribute to the group and/or meeting.

After the one month period, the received answers to 1) and 2) will be anonymized and collated for presentation in a Group Inventory Report to a Group Conscience Business Meeting.

Answers to 3) will remain as personal responsibility of the contributors and will not be collated or reported.

After presentation of the Group Inventory at a Group Conscience Business Meeting, responsibility will lie with all individual members to respond as they personally see fit by submitting any motions with proposals for change to Group Conscience Business Meeting as per usual process.


Please send your personal Group Inventory answers to 1), 2) and 3) above NOW to

Your voice counts!


SLAA ABC/M 2025 - Would you like to be our SLAA Online Group Delegate or Observer at the SLAA ABC/M 2025?

Our SLAA Online Group Conscience wishes to send an annual Delegate to the SLAA ABC/M, which this year will be virtual and held August 7th-10th, 2025.

It is recommended by Fellowship-Wide Services that Delegates have a working knowledge of the Steps and Traditions and be at least six months sober. It is also recommended that the length of the Delegate term is two years (subject to group conscience).

Our SLAA Online Intergroup is permitted by SLAA FWS to send max one voting Delegate to the SLAA ABC/M. We may though send non-voting Observers in addition (if our own group conscience and finances allow). Participation costs for our group: Delegate $250, Observer $125 (which could be met by our current finances).

If you would like to represent SLAA Online at the SLAA ABC/M 2025 as our Delegate, or as an Observer, please contact the office at before March 18th.

Thank you for your service!


Approve February agenda

Approve January agenda (in retrospect)

Approve December agenda (in retrospect)

Approve November minutes

Approve December minutes

Approve January minutes

Approve Treasurer's report (November, December & January)

Read and review Liaison report


Op Applications



Old Business



New Business



10 min Open Forum


Serenity prayer