Business Meeting Minutes 4/5/16 (compiled 160528 from Agenda and co-webmaster’s memory)

SLAA Online Group Conscience Business Meeting in #slaa2 5 April 2016, 9 pm ET

Serenity prayer - done

Approve Agenda - Approved

Approve Feb & Mar Minutes - tabled

Approve Treasurer's report - Approved

Present Liaison report - presented

Old Business - troy's ABM motion (revised)

New Business - New Op Tabby, Kenny's ABM motion & troy's WRC motion

New Op Application: Tabby - approved

Motion #1 (from Kenny) - approved

SLAA Online will send a delegate to the SLAA Annual Business Meeting in Boston 2-5 Aug 2016.

Motion #2 (from troy, revised): Request for economic support to attend SLAA ABM in Boston 2-5 Aug 2016 - approved

SLAA Online aims to raise and give troy economic aid for attending
SLAA ABM in Boston 2-5 Aug 2016 as SLAA Online Delegate.

Estimated costs:
Hotel overnight 1 Aug before SLAA ABM start: $199 (group discount
rate - less if sharable)
Delegate attendance at SLAA ABM 2-5 Aug: $895 including 3 nights
shared hotel room (early-bird discount rate)
Hotel overnight 5 Aug after SLAA ABM finish: $199 (group discount rate
- less if sharable)
Total cost to SLAA Online: ca $1293 (may be less if more
negotiation/sharing is possible)

Note: Hotel nights 1 Aug and 5 Aug are because of long flight Sweden-
Boston and late conference finish time.
Note: troy aims to raise the additional necessary travel costs Sweden-
Boston himself: ca $1000
Note: Group Conscience approval to economically support troy’s
attendance as delegate at the SLAA ABM is conditional on the
necessary money being raised by the SLAA Online group.

I am interested in the possibility of attending the SLAA ABM in Boston
2-5 Aug 2016 as SLAA Online Delegate if so wished by group
conscience. Attendance poses however a major economic challenge for
me - regarding both travel and attendance costs.
I do believe tho that if HP thru GC wishes me to attend and represent
SLAA Online, there will be a possible solution. A suggested solution is
the above motion to Group Conscience BM.

Motion #3 (from troy/WRC): Revised webpages - Tools (group of 5 files) - approved

On the SLAAOnline website:
Replace webpages: Tools of Recovery (group of 5 files: Tools, Behavior,
Carnes, Stress, Grey)
with revised webpages: Tools of Recovery (group of 5 files: Tools,
Behavior, Carnes, Stress, Grey)
- see files:
Tools - SLAA Online - Tools of Recovery - rev 160322 anon.docx
Behavior- SLAA Online Tools of Recovery - corrections tracked in red
rev 160321 anon.docx
Carnes - SLAA Online Tools of Recovery - corrections tracked in red rev
160321 anon.docx
Stress - SLAA Online - Tools of Recovery - corrections tracked in red
rev 160321 anon.docx
Grey - SLAA Online - Tools of Recovery - corrections tracked in red rev
160321 anon.docx
Note: Approval means approval of both tracked changes and any WRC
recommended changes in comments.

Website revision as directed by Group Conscience, done by Website
Review Committee and clarified by Officer Group.

Suggest that the motion is voted on at BM without detailed revision
discussion, as this has already been done extensively in the
WRC/Officer Group revision process.

10 Minute open forum - done

End with Serenity Prayer - done